batz gallery


Diptychs in soft tones with dialogues between natural (tree bark) & unnatural (torn posters, rusty dumpsters, used concrete forms and just general corrosion).

peeling cracked wall / tree bark with eccentric cracking

peeling cracked wall / tree bark with eccentric cracking


32 x 24

birch tree bark / used concrete form

birch tree bark / used concrete form


32 x 20

tree bark with healed-over graffiti carved into it / used concrete form

tree bark with healed-over graffiti carved into it / used concrete form


32 x 24

ridged tree bark / concrete support pilon on bridge

ridged tree bark / concrete support pilon on bridge


36 x 22

rusty scraped dumpster / tree bark with eccentric cracking

rusty scraped dumpster / tree bark with eccentric cracking


32 x 24

torn posters on telephone pole / shaggy bark

torn posters on telephone pole / shaggy bark


32 x 24

rusty-coloured dumpster / jigsaw bark of the Plane Tree

rusty-coloured dumpster / jigsaw bark of the Plane Tree


36 x 24